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Hello everyone!


Enjoy Puerto Rico while being safe in our surroundings and common areas.

So here is what we are doing for the safety of each one of our guests. 


Updated on March 12, 2022


As established by the new Executive Order 2022-019, starting March 10, all travelers to Puerto Rico are not required to present vaccination card nor negative test upon their arrival to the island. Neither is requested to fill out the Traveler Declaration Form on their visit as well. 


The use of a face mask is not require unless the business requires it. At our hotel, you are free to choose to use it or not on the outdoor common areas, like the pool and rooftop. In small closeted spaces we do ask of you to use it for the health and safety of all of our guests.


Important, even though the Government is being flexible, we still would like to remind that the pandemic is not officially over and that you keep social distance from other guests or be cautious in your surrounding.


Spanish Version


Como establecido en la nueva Orden Ejecutiva 2022-019, comenzando el 10 de marzo, todo viajero que visite Puerto Rico o huésped que venga a hospedarse en nuestro hotel no se le requerirá la evidencia de vacuna o prueba negativa de COVID-19. Tampoco se le estará solicitando a los viajeros en completar la Declaración de Viajero en el aeropuerto ni en nuestro hotel. 


El uso de la mascarilla ya no será obligatorio, al menos que un negocio privado lo solicite para la admisión. En The Ivy Hotel, no se estará solicitando el uso de la mascarilla en áreas comunes al aire libre, como la piscina y terraza, pero si en espacios cerrados para la seguridad y bienestar de nuestros huéspedes.


Le queremos recordar, que aun la pandemia sigue activa y queremos que nuestros huéspedes se sientan seguros en su estadía con nosotros. Por eso, le solicitamos que mantenga el distanciamiento social necesario


We have placed throughout our hotel hand sanitizer stations to keep it clean when going to the pool, or getting a bite on the restaurants nearby. Be sure to always have one with you when going out.


For the moment, our rooftop and jacuzzi are available for the guests staying at our hotel. We open from 10 am until 11pm. The jacuzzi is available upon a prior reservation. For more details, contact us.


We are limiting the housekeeping service to be given upon request. This modification has been made to secure the guests and the employee well being.


If you are in need for room service or a towel change, contact our Front Desk Team and it will be made available and the used one will be needed to be put in a bag given. 


For more information on what is happening in Puerto Rico such as curfew, establishment available, and other COVID-19 inquiries, visit

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